Custom Home Building
Mike Peart has more than 25 years building experience and has built more than 100 custom homes. Peart Homes, LLC specializes in building custom homes in the San Antonio, Boerne, and South Texas Hill Country area. With Peart Homes, we aim to build and construct a lifestyle tailored to your needs.
Our experience throughout the years in real estate and construction allows us to have an understanding and the creativity to build a home for you and your family. Because of our experience in real estate, we have gained an advantage of learning how home buyers choose a home, invest in a home, design and build a home, and much more. All of our custom home buildling projects have given Peart Homes the opportunity to construct homes with different designs. We look forward to working with more clients in helping them with their custom home design.
Peart Homes is one of the most top trusted builders in the Boerne Hill Country area. Trust Peart Homes to build your custom home today.
Our Designs
Our designs are 100% customized. We design and build all styles of homes. Whether you are a young family beginning your lives together in a new home or someone looking for their second or third home, Peart Homes is there to help you every step of the way.
Our clients have exercised the ability to provide us with pictures from magazines, sketches, drawings, and designs of homes they wish to be built. We then turn these concepts into a design for a home to be built.
Our homes are built using a wide array of green resources. We believe in including construction methods such as solar energy, foam insulation and water catchment systems. By using these types of green resources, a home owner will benefit tremendously and see a tremendous ROI.
Budget Disclosure
One of the major differences between Peart Homes and most other home builders, is the disclosure of your home construction budget. Peart Homes understands the importance of your dollar. You will receive a complete, custom home itemized construction budget showing you exactly where your money is being spent. You will be able to pick and choose how you want to spend your money on your selections such as on kitchen cabinets, flooring, appliances, etc. If we give you an allowance and you do not use it all, this is credited back to you to use in another area or to keep. After all, this is your money, not ours.
Peart Homes welcomes you to engage in our process of building a new custom home. Please call us today at 210.685.5599 to set up an appointment where we can sit down with you and or your family to discuss your goals, lifestyle and budget.